Bot roles
The bot setup and administration team may consist of many members, and Each person working on your Bot has different roles.
To specify a role on the bot, follow these steps:
Step 1: Click Bot role in the left menu.
Step 2: Enter the assigned person’s email.
Note: Email of the assigned person must have an account on FPT.AI.
Step 3: Select the assign role
Bot owner can assign these following roles:
1. Bot Owner
Can manage all features of the Bot.
2. Bot Admin
Can manage all features of the Bot except for deleting Bot. Additionally, they can assign someone to Data editor, Customer support lead or Customer supporter role.
3. Bot Data Editor
Can edit data on the Bot (QnA, NLP, Scenarios, Persistent menu, Broadcast, Auto comment and History).
4. Bot Customer Support Lead
Can send messages and view analytics. Besides, he/she can assign someone to Customer supporter role.
5. Bot Customer Supporter
Only can directly send messages to users.
Step 4: Click Add to finish.
The bot owner can perform all roles on the bot as an bot editor or bot customer support lead.
Bot owners can Remove / Modify roles on bot of Bot admin, Bot data editor, Bot customer support lead, Bot customer supporter by: Click Remove / Edit next to the email who wants to change roles.
- If you want to remove role, click Remove for confirmation.
- If you want to edit the role on the bot, click Edit -> select the new role you want to replace -> click Save to complete the changes.